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Blofield Primary School

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Blofield Primary School

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Book Fair

    Thu 19 Oct 2023

    We are excited to be having a Book Fair at school from 31st - 2 November 2023.  You will be able to come and look at some brand new books with your child and purchase them if you wish.  It's a great way to encourage your child to read.  Payments can be made either by cash or card.

  • Farewell to our Staff Leavers!

    Fri 21 Jul 2023

    We had a whole school celebration assembly this morning to acknowledge and display our gratitude to the staff who are moving on at the end of this academic year. We wish you all the best in the future and thank you for everything that you have done for Blofield Primary School over the years!

  • Tag Rugby Festival

    Thu 17 Nov 2022 Mr K

    Congratulations to all of the children in Year 3,4, and 6 that participated in a Tag Rugby festival at Wymondham Rugby Club. The children played really well and scored lots of tries winning lots of their games. It was really nice to see all of the enthusiasm and smiling faces at the end of each game. I was very proud of all of the children who attended.

  • Virtual Book Fair - 2nd to 6th November 2020

    Mon 02 Nov 2020

    Our Virtual Book Fair is live this week.


    A complete list of books available with images of the book covers and prices is available on the 'Class Pages'.


    Please order any books by Friday 6th November.  Details of how to order have been sent to all parents by email.

  • Preparing Your Child for Their Return to School

    Mon 24 Aug 2020
  • Online Learning by Video

    Fri 03 Apr 2020

    Dear Parents


    Safeguarding – please be aware and monitor Zoom sessions


    We know that some families are using Zoom as a way for children to keep in touch with their friends.  It is lovely for children to keep in touch with their friends and have a chat however we just want to make sure that you are aware that there have been examples of trolls invading zoom and posting abuse in cases of ‘zoombombing’. 


    The Times Educational Supplement (TES) has reported that ‘zoombombing’ involves online trolls gaining access to other people’s conferences and using the app’s screen-sharing feature to post disturbing content.


    Teachers have been advised not to conduct live-streamed lessons by the NEU teaching union, this is for a variety of reasons but online safety is clearly one of them. 


    In school the information and access is using school and NCC controlled applications and software so we can be assured use of technology is safe, unfortunately outside the school environment use of publicly available applications and software can have huge public privacy implications and potentially uncontrolled safeguarding complexities.

    We are not trying to frighten you with this information but to make you aware so that you can monitor your children’s sessions on Zoom and other online activities to keep them safe.


    Kind regards


    Teresa Doggett                          Ken D'Rosario

    Headteacher                              Chair of Governors

  • COVID-19

    Wed 01 Apr 2020
    If you are a key-worker and need to contact the school regarding childcare please email the office - Emails are monitored daily.
  • Coronavirus

    Mon 23 Mar 2020

    Blofield Primary School is closed due to the coronavirus outbreak until the Government instructs them to re-open. It is not safe for school to be open. The virus is rapidly spreading and the number of deaths is increasing daily.

    Please protect our NHS and other front-line workers. Children with an emergency care space should only attend if absolutely necessary as their parent/carer has a vital role in the fight against the coronavirus.

    If the infection is passed on by a child attending the emergency care sessions, we would be forced to close the provision, leaving hospitals and other key services understaffed. If staff have to self isolate or become ill and we cannot safely supervise children, we will have to close this service.

    You may need these staff. They may be the difference for you or a family member between life and death. Think carefully about using an allocated emergency key worker place for your child. Please stay inside and keep children home and safe. The safest place for your child is at home.

    If you child has an underlying medical condition, including asthma, the guidance says they should stay away from others for 12 weeks. It would not be sensible to send them into school or another provision as they are at an even more serious risk if the catch the virus.

    Everyone should be socially isolating unless it is essential to leave the house. Please do not let your children go out to meet friends or go to the park etc. We can only stop the spread if people follow all of the guidance.

    Please take all recommended precautions. We want to keep our community safe and protected.

  • Multi-Sports At Thorpe St Andrew

    Thu 27 Feb 2020
    Well done to all of our year 4's that went to Thorpe St Andrew for a morning of different sports coached by the Thorpe year 11's for their coursework. The children all worked really hard and enjoyed taking part in Handball, Football, Athletics and Tag-Rugby. Have a look at some of the pictures to see what we got up to.
  • Well Done To Our Norfolk School Games Sportshall Athletic Teams

    Thu 05 Dec 2019
    Congratulations to our year 3/4 and 5/6 teams in last weeks competitions. Everyone worked hard to score as many points as they could and we finished 3rd and 11th in the year 3/4 competition and 1st and 12th in the year 5/6. This means that there will be a team representing Blofield and the Norwich East Partnership in the County finals in February. 

Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das