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Have a lovely summer break. Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4 September.
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Blofield Primary School

Home Page

Blofield Primary School


Leave of Absence Request Form

Please complete this form if you wish to request a leave of absence for your child during term time.  

Parental Agreement for School to Administer Medicines Form

Please complete this form if you require medicine to be administered to your child whilst at school

Consent Forms

We send an on-line Consent Form to parents/ carers annually (at the start of the school year) and for new starters, to confirm consents for pupils during the upcoming school year.

It will ask for consent regarding 5 areas:
1) The use of photographs and videos taken whilst your child is at school
2) Food tasting at school (classroom based activities)
3) Class visits walking around Blofield
4) Forest School
5) Years 5 and 6 only - walking home alone


If you would like to review or amend consents for your child(ren), please contact the School Office.

Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das