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Have a lovely summer break. Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4 September.
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Blofield Primary School

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Blofield Primary School


Welcome to our Reception Class Page!

Below you will find a folder for each area of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). In each folder, pictures will be added so you can see what we have been getting up to!

Summer 2

Welcome to our final half term in Reception! I can't believe how fast this year has gone.

This half term our topic is Journeys

In Literacy, we are going to be reading traditional tales and discussing, demonstrating and retelling the journey each character has been on.

In our Understanding the World learning, we will be discussing our journey to school using  Google Earth and maps to help.

We will also be using the beebots to develop their understanding and sense of direction. 

PE days will continue to be on a Monday and Tuesday. Books are changed over on a Monday so please ensure book bags and reading records are still sent in daily. 

Best Wishes

Miss Tims

Week Commencing 22-04-24

We’ve had an extremely exciting week in Reception! Some of us started our Forest school sessions on Monday. Also on Monday, we had a delivery of 10 eggs! The eggs were placed into an incubator and we had to patiently wait and observe to see what happened. On Wednesday, they finally hatched. We were so lucky to watch the chicks hatching. We have 9 chicks in total!

  • Our focus book has been 'Meet the Weather'. The children enjoyed talking about lots of different types of weather, including which animals would like each weather. We all created our own hot air balloon and chose our favourite weather. We talked about what the hot air balloon would feel like in our chosen weather. 
  • In Geography, we read the book 'Rumble in the Jungle'. We have enjoyed learning all about animals that live in the jungle and the rainforest. The children have been doing lots of research about each animal!
  • In Science, alongside our chick observations, we have been planting our own sunflower seeds. As part of our 'The Great Outdoors' topic, we are learning lots about plants and growing. We are excited to see our sunflowers grow soon.
  • In Maths, we have been securing our understanding of numbers to 20. This has included ordering numbers to 20, counting, singing and identifying odd and even numbers.


Summer 1

Welcome back to Summer 1. I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break.

This half term our topic is The Great Outdoors. We are going to be doing lots of outdoor learning, including growing plants and fruits/vegetables, exploring animal habitats and lots of outdoor artwork. 

Our PE days this half term are Monday's and Tuesday's. Please ensure PE kits are kept at school.

A reminder that sharing books are changed on a Monday and new reading books are handed out on a Friday. Please continue sending in reading records and bookbags daily. 

Best wishes

Miss Tims


Week Commencing 18-03-24

  • Our focus book this week has been 'Diary of a Wombat'. The children have enjoyed researching more about Wombats. The found out that a wombat is on average 1m long and that they are native to Australia! 
  • In Maths we have been learning about 3D shape. Our favourite game was 'guess the shape' using our feely bag! The children have been excellent at spotting 3D shapes in our environment. 
  • In Science, we have been learning about the lifecycle of a plant. After learning about this, we went outside on a plant hunt! We then came in and had a go at drawing our own plant, remembering to include the stem, flower, roots and leaves! 
  • In RE, the children have been learning lots about Easter! We have enjoyed completing some Easter crafts!
  • In History, we have been continuing our learning about dinosaurs! This week we learnt about what dinosaurs used to eat. The children were introduced to the words herbivore, carnivore and omnivore. They learnt that it is best to study the dinosaur's teeth and claws to identify what they ate! 

Have a great weekend! 




Week Commencing 04-03-24

We’ve had a very busy and exciting week in Reception! 

  • Our focus book has been 'Commotion in the Ocean'. We have started to create some fantastic under water shoebox dioramas. We are looking forward to finishing these off next week. 
  • In Science, we have been learning about the lifecycle of a Frog. The children have enjoyed jumping around like frogs and using our frog themed tuff tray! 
  • We've been using numicon to support us with finding all the different ways of building 10 in Maths.
  • This week it was also World Book Day. We enjoyed bringing our story bags in and sharing these with the Year 6 children. We also had lots of fun designing our own book cover and learnt how to draw the cat from 'Look Up' with help from the Illustrator! 



Week Commencing 26-02-24

  • Our focus book this week has been ‘Mad about Minibeasts’. The children have enjoyed making a start on our class animal fact file book!
  • In Science this half term, we are going to be learning about lifecycles. This week we learnt about the lifecycle of a Butterfly. The children have been creating their own butterfly homes using construction and enjoyed making the lifecycle using playdough.
  • In History this half term, we are learning all about dinosaurs. This week we explored the question ‘what is a dinosaur’. We focused on vocabulary such as ‘paleontologist’, ‘extinct’, ‘fossil’ and ‘bones’. The children have enjoyed using our dinosaur small world area.


Spring 2

Welcome back everyone, I hope you had a lovely half term.

This half term our topic is 'Animal Kingdom'. The children have already shared lots of their animal knowledge and are looking forward to finding out more. 

We are looking forward to having Rackheath Vets visit us this half term as well as our visit to Wroxham Barns! 

Our PE days this half term are Monday's and Tuesday's

A reminder that sharing books are changed on a Monday and new reading books are handed out on a Friday. Please continue sending in reading records and bookbags daily. 

Miss Tims


Week Commencing 12-02-24

It has been a very busy week in Reception Class this week. We have been learning all about Shrove Tuesday and Valentines Day! The children have all created some lovely Valentines artwork and enjoyed making/tasting their own pancakes.

- In PE, the children have enjoyed using the climbing frame where they have been able to practise their balances, climbing and jumping. 

- In Maths, we have been learning about time. We found out how many different things we can do in 1 minute! Some children managed to do 60 hops in 60 seconds! We've also been learning about the days of the week. 

Happy half term everyone!


Week Commencing 05-02-24

We have had a very busy week this week! 

  • This week has been Children's Mental Health week. This year's theme is 'My Voice Matters'. We have been thinking about who listens to us and what makes us special! 
  • This week, we have also been learning about Lunar New Year. They found out that it is celebrated every year in January or February, depending when the new moon appears! We learnt all about how they celebrate, including that their lucky colour is red which is the colour of most of the decorations. We found out that there are 12 different zodiac signs and each sign is named after a different animal. This year is the year of the dragon! The children created their own Lunar New Year dragons!
  • In Maths, we have been learning about length and height. We have had lots of fun comparing the length/height of different objects and of each other! 
  • In Science, we learnt about sinking and floating. We read a story called 'The crocodile who didn't like water'. We then all chose an item to test in our water tray. We had to predict if we though it would sink or float. 


Week Commencing 15-01-24

  • In Maths this week we revisited capacity and mass. The children have been exploring mass and recording their findings. They have also been exploring capacity using water and sand. The children have been practicing their predicting and testing skills!
  • This week we have been learning about privacy. The children have spent lots of time considering where private places are and where public places are. They have shown a good understanding to why some places are private/public and given some good examples themselves. We played lots of different scenario games which they all did very well with!
  • In Geography this week, we have been continuing our ‘All around the World’ learning. We enjoyed learning about School’s around the World this week. We looked at some pictures showing schools in China, Peru, Australia, Spain, Kenya and the Philippines. The children showed a fantastic understanding when comparing these schools with our school in Blofield. They drew some fantastic comparison pictures and were able to talk confidently about the similarities and differences. 
  • We also had lots of fun playing outside in the snow on Thursday!! 


Week Commencing 08-01-24

  • In Maths this week we have been recapping numbers 1 – 5 including finding 1 more and 1 less, their composition using part whole models and exploring using numicon.
  • We’ve been introduced to a new book this week called ‘A place called home’. In this story, we saw many different examples of different homes around the World. We thought about what our home looks like and had a go at drawing it. We added some labels to show different parts of our home such as the door, roof, and window. We spent lots of time discussing how homes are all different.
  • Our topic for this half term is ‘All around the World’. In Geography this week, we have been learning that there are many Countries in the World. We looked at a World Map and talked about places we have heard of before. We found them on the map and plotted our name or the name of someone we know who has visited there before!


Spring 1

Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all. I hope you had a super Christmas break. 

Our topic this half term is 'The World Around Us'. The children have already come up with some fantastic ideas about what this might mean and what they would like to learn about. 

Our PE days continue to be on a Monday and Friday. 

A reminder that we change sharing books on a Monday and give out phonic books on a Friday. Please ensure reading records are kept in bookbags daily. 

I look forward to sharing more of the children's learning with you over the coming weeks. 

Miss Tims

Week Commencing 18-12-23

We've had a really exciting couple of weeks, filled with lots of Christmas activities and Nativity Performances. 

This week we have enjoyed writing our letters to Santa, making paper chains, wrapping presents, baking some Christmas biscuits and having a Christmas party including pass the parcel, Christmas crackers and watching a Christmas movie. 


Week Commencing 20-11-23

  • This week in phonics we have learnt how to read and write sh, th, ng, nk
  • In Maths this week we have been exploring the numbers 4 and 5. We have played lots of fun games and read lots of lovely stories to help our understanding. We also talked about more and less using these 2 numbers. We played a fun bus stop game where Miss Tims picked some of us up from the bus stop and we had to talk about how many more people had got onto the bus!
  • We had an exciting visit from Norfolk Constabulary this week. Take a look at some of the photos of our visit on our Understanding the World area of the website.
  • We have been learning all about the weather in Science this week. We talked about when we might see each weather and how each weather makes us feel.


Week Commencing 13-11-23

  • This week in phonics we have learnt how to read and write z, qu, ch
  • This week in Maths we have been learning all about circle and triangles and their properties. We have enjoyed making lots of different shape pictures. We also learnt how to use positional language. We enjoyed going on a treasure hunt around the classroom to find clues. The clues told us where to find things (behind the door, under the rug, between the computers).
  • This week we have been celebrating ‘Kindness week’. We enjoyed coming into school wearing our odd socks on Monday. We have spent lots of time talking about how we can be kind to everyone. 


Week Commencing 06-11-23

  • This week in phonics we have learnt how to read and write v, w, x, y.
  • In Maths this week we have been learning how to show more and less when working with numbers and different resources. We have read lots of fun stories and enjoyed re-enacting them to show more or less!
  • We have been learning all about Remembrance Day this week in History. We watched a lovely video called ‘Poppies’ which helped us to understand more. We spoke about the significance of Poppies and why we take part in a 2 minute silence on the 11th day of the 11th month at the 11th hour. The children have all been making their own Poppies using various resources in the classroom all week. Take a look at some of our Poppies on our Understanding the World area of the website.
  • In RE this week, we learnt about Diwali. We created some super Diwali lamps and discussed ways in which it is celebrated! Have a look at some of our photos on our Understanding the World area of the website.  
  • We have had so much fun this week in PE getting some of the equipment out. We enjoyed pulling our bodies along benches, jumping off the gymnastic tables and walking up and down benches which were attached at different heights.



Week Commencing 30-10-23

  • This week in phonics we have learnt how to read and write ff, ss, ll, j.
  • In Maths this week we have been learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 3. We have enjoyed finding different ways to represent each number.
  • We have been learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot this week in History. We created some fabulous firework paintings using toilet roll, black paper and paint. Take a look at some of them on our Expressive Arts and Design area of the website.
  • We enjoyed reading the story ‘Handa’s Surprise’ in English this week. We thought of adjectives to describe the fruits in the story and then had fun tasting them! Have a look at some of the pictures on our Literacy area of the website.


Week Commencing 16-10-23

  • We have enjoyed reviewing some of our trickier sounds this week in phonics.
  • In Maths this week we have been learning about patterns. We have enjoyed making repeating patterns with lego, duplo, maths resources and our bodies. Take a look at some of the pictures on our Mathematics area of the website.
  • In PATHS we have been thinking about making friends. We enjoyed listening to a story called ‘Twiggle Makes Friends’. We talked about all the ways we can show someone that they are our friend.
  • We enjoyed learning about the 4 Seasons in Science this week. We created some fantastic paintings to show each seasons which you can see on our Understanding the World area of the website.


Week Commencing 09-10-23

  • In Phonics, we have learnt how to say and write h, b, f, l
  • In Maths, we have been learning how to compare. We have compared size, capacity and mass this week.
  • In PATHS this week we thought about the feeling of sad. Twiggle and Daphne helped us to understand how we would know if someone was feeling sad and what we could do to make them feel better.
  • In PE we have been enjoying making different shapes with our bodies on the mats.
  • In Science, we learnt lots about our bodies. Have a look at some of our photos on the Understanding the World area of the website. 


Week Commencing 02-10-23

  • In Phonics, we have learnt how to say and write ck, e, u, r
  • In Maths, we have been learning how to sort items and find the same / more / less. We were very excited to find Twiggle and Henrietta with plates of chocolate cookies on Wednesday! We had to work together to ensure both plates had the same amount of cookies. On Thursday and Friday we compared groups by explaining if they had more or less than another group.
  • In PATHS this week we thought about the feeling of happy. Henrietta and Twiggle helped us to recognise our facial expressions and how we can tell if someone is feeling happy.
  • In PE we have been learning and thinking about different ways in which we can move our bodies. We enjoyed crawling, jumping, running, hopping and walking backwards around the hall!
  • This week in Art, we enjoyed making faces after reading ‘Let’s make faces’. You can see some photos on the Personal, Social and Emotional Development area of the website.
  • In Science, we explored our senses of smell, touch and taste. Have a look at some of our photos on the Understanding the World area of the website. 


Week Commencing 25-09-23

  • In Phonics, we have learnt how to say and write g, o, c, k
  • In Maths, we have been enjoying matching items together. We explored this by matching socks, matching pictures, matching buttons and having a picnic ensuring that everyone had matching items.
  • We have enjoyed learning about feelings in our PATHs learning. Henrietta the Hedgehog and Twiggle the Turtle have helped us to do this
  • In PE we have been learning how to find a space. We enjoyed playing lots of different games to help us with this.
  • In History we have been learning about our families. We learnt that each family is different and we all have different family members. 
  • Finally, in Science we have been learning about our senses. This week we learnt about sight and hearing. We enjoyed going outside to observe and listen before sharing our findings with the class.


Week Commencing 18-09-23

The children have all had a super week settling into our new routine! 

  • In Phonics, we have learnt how to say and write i, n, m, d. 
  • In Maths, we have been enjoying finding different ways to represent numbers. We enjoyed using the number fans to show numbers up to 10. We also enjoyed going outside to find ways of making numbers up to 9 using natural resources. You will find some photos of this in our Mathematics area of the website.
  • We also had a fun music lesson with Mrs Moore learning how to sing and sign 'Big, Red Combine Harvester'. We are looking forward to showing the rest of the school our song in the Harvest Festival Assembly in a couple of weeks. 


Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das