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Blofield Primary School

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Blofield Primary School


Castle Day

Great Fire of London


The children have been learning about life in London in the 17th Century. For instance, what the houses were made of, what people worn, what jobs people had compared to now and how technology has changed, including living without electricity and flushing toilets! 


Later, we learned about the events of the Great Fire of London, how it started and spread. We talked about the conditions that caused it to spread so fast - with the dry, hot summer, houses made of wood and no fire service. The children looked at houses from the 17th Century, made their own and we demonstrated the spread of the fire by burning our made ones on the playground. The children learnt about fire safety and what would happen if there was a fire in modern day.

The Great Fire of London

Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das