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Blofield Primary School


New Book Talk books - Thank you PTA!

Blofield PTA kindly bought our Y1 and Y2 children over 200 new books to use for our Book Talk sessions. 😊

March 2023

We all enjoyed welcoming author Julia Edwards into school today. She has written the 'Scar Gatherer' series of time-travelling historical novels for children as well as other books. Key Stage 2 found it really interesting to hear how she researched her novels and found out some fascinating facts, such as Tudor women removing their eyebrows and using mouse fur instead and that Bluetooth is named after a Viking!

She took Year 6 for a workshop on inference, based around her new book of short stories - 'Unlucky for Some' and then signed books for children after school. We have purchased a set of the Scar Gatherer series and 'Unlucky for Some' for the school library.

We all had fun celebrating the joy of books for World Book Day. This year the children were encouraged to make a mask of their favourite book character. There were book prizes for the best mask in each class. 

World Book Day 2023

World Poetry Day! 6.10.22

Year 5

Today, Year 5 have read the poem- The Sound Collector. They enjoyed reading this poem and making the sounds that were mentioned: hissing, tapping, ticking of a clock. 
Then we identified any rhyming couplets or patterns. Next, the children came up with sounds we can hear from school and we began to write a new poem collectively. They even used their acting skills to act out the poem as they performed it. 
Finally, the children wrote their own poems. Well done on a SUPER day! 👏

Performance fun!

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Below some volunteers to read their own independent poems:


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Kiana reading another class member’s- Thanks!

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Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das