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Have a lovely summer break. Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4 September.
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Blofield Primary School

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Blofield Primary School

Forest School

This term Year 3 have started their Forest School Curriculum.  They have made a fantastic start already!  They have created beautiful works of art, been amazing gardeners, played identification games and begun their bush craft skills too.  We were particularly impressed by their music making using pans and sticks.  The children showed super identification skills during the RSPB Garden Bird Watch.  Well done Year 3!


Please ensure children have waterproof trousers as all the surfaces in Forest School are damp and muddy even when it is not raining.  It is an all weather curriculum but we want to ensure the children are comfortable rather than wearing damp leggings and track suit bottoms.  Many thanks!






Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das