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Have a lovely summer break. Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4 September.
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Blofield Primary School

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Blofield Primary School

Year 1

Summer 2

We hope you all enjoyed the break from school and we look forward to hearing all about it! We are now entering our final half term in Year One – where has the time gone?!


We will be looking at space explorers in History and will be linking this to our English by studying a few space-related stories. We will also be having a go at some sewing and exploring plants, as well as growing our own.


P.E will continue to be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Forest School will also continue on a Thursday afternoon. Swimming will begin in a couple of weeks, but you will hear about specific dates nearer the time. The plan at the moment is for swimming to take place on Wednesdays and Friday afternoons. I will let you know if there are any changes to the days.


Little Wandle books will continue to be given on a Friday and homework will continue to be due in on Mondays. Please see attached for the homework this half term.


We will be going to the Time and Tide Museum to support our historical work on explorers on Friday 28th June.

In addition, look out for the ‘Sports Morning’ date in the bulletin.


This half term is always busy but super fun!

We look forward to welcoming you back tomorrow. 😊

Summer 1


This half term, we will be reading ‘The Queen’s Hat’ and writing a recount about forest school in English. We will continue with our Phonics and reading sessions throughout the week ahead of the Phonics Check which will take place after half term. Although we will not make it a ‘big’ thing with the children, please continue to revise sounds and words at home. Reading records will continue to be collected in on Mondays and Little Wandle books will be given out on a Friday. Please remember to return the books and write in the records. Sharing books can still be taken whenever they need to be changed – please encourage your child to do this independently so they can choose a book that they will enjoy.


We will be focusing on our local area in Geography and will be taking a trip to Strumpshaw Fen on the 29th April. There will be a consent letter arriving shortly but the cost will be covered by the PTA (thank you!). We are continuing to learn about materials in Science and will be introducing the children to Judaism in Religion and Worldviews. We will be exploring printing in Art and coding in Computing. Please make sure your child has an art apron or old shirt to avoid getting too messy!


P.E will continue to be on Wednesdays and Thursdays with Mr Stocker. It is always best to keep P.E kits in school just in case. Swimming will begin for the older children but Year 1 will not start until mid-June.


Forest school will be on a Thursday afternoon with Miss Laniado. Please remember old clothes for this that you don’t mind getting muddy! The children always love these sessions so I’m sure they will be very excited for them to start.


Maths homework will continue to be set and due in on Mondays.


We look forward to welcoming you back to the summer term.

Spring 2

Welcome back to Spring 2. This half term we will be focusing on ‘Grandad’s Island’ and poetry in English and will be learning about different materials in Science. We will be creating our own moving storybooks using sliders, wheels and levers in D&T and will be learning about different explorers in History. It is a short half term but we have lots to pack in, including World Book Day and a visit from Tess from Blofield Library.


Maths homework is attached and will continue to be set and due on a Monday. Reading will continue as it has been before. Please make sure you write in your child’s reading record so we can see what has been read – you don’t need to write lots unless there are particular things you would like us to know. 


P.E will continue on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure P.E kit is always in school but especially on those days.

As always, please email or message me on Teams if you have any concerns or questions. Thank you for your continued support.


I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

Miss Light J

Spring 1


Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed your Christmas break with your families. Thank you again so much for our cards and gifts – very generous of you all.


This half term, we will be focusing on ‘Wombat Goes Walkabout’ and ‘Song of the Sea’ in English. We will be continuing with our Phonics and Maths learning and will be exploring animals in Science. Linking with our English, we will be learning about Australia in Geography with a focus on maps, atlases and globes. In Art, we will be looking at Australian Aboriginal artwork.

P.E will continue to be on a Wednesday and Thursday so please make sure your child has their P.E kit. Please ensure art aprons/shirts are at school also.


Little Wandle reading books will be given out on a Friday as we have been doing and sharing books are available for children to choose every day. Homework will continue to be set on a Monday and due in the following Monday.


Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes J

Autumn 2


We hope you had a lovely break. This half term we will be looking at writing a non-fiction text about ‘seasons’ and a poem based on firework night in our English sessions. We will be continuing with addition and subtraction to begin with in Maths and then will move onto shape. Religion and Worldviews will focus on why some Christians celebrate Christmas and we will be rehearsing our own nativity which will be performed to parents in December. Dates for this should come shortly in the weekly bulletin. I know the children will be very excited to see you there. In Geography and Science, we will be looking at weather and the various UK seasons. Food technology will be the focus of our Design and Technology lessons in the coming weeks and we will be creating some Christmas-related snacks at the end of the unit.


P.E will continue to be on a Wednesday and Thursday and homework will continue as it did last half term. Please could we remind you to bring in wellies for your children if they do not have any at school. Our play leaders at lunch time like to get the children out as much as possible so please ensure they are dressed appropriately to go outside at lunch time in most weathers.


Thank you very much for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow! J

Autumn 1

Welcome to our Year One page!

We hope you had a wonderful summer break and are looking forward to being in Year One this year. Year One can be a little daunting for children as it is a big change from Reception but I promise it can be fun and exciting too!



This half term we will be looking at place value in Maths and focusing on Pinocchio in our writing sessions. To support our learning of fairy tales, we will be going to Gressenhall at the end of September for a ‘Once Upon a Time’ adventure. We will be exploring toys from the past in History and thinking about our senses in Science. Our curriculum map is attached for further information.



P.E will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays this half term so please make sure your child has their P.E kit in school. Sometimes, there might be the odd occasion that they will need their kits on another day so it is easier to have their kit in school throughout the week.



Similarly to Reception, we will continue with the Little Wandle books. These will be handed out each Friday and expected back the following week. Please read these books with your child. Sharing books are available throughout the week and your child will be able to choose these themselves whenever they need a new one. Please can you make sure you record any reading in the reading record book so that we can keep track of what your child is doing at home. It would be great if you could bring records every day so that we can also add things in.

There will also be Maths homework this year. This will start mid-way through the half term once they are settled. I try to make this as practical as possible. Sending photos or little messages about the tasks has worked well in the past.



Please provide an art apron/old t-shirt for your child as soon as possible. This can stay in the classroom with us or in bags. We have a few spares but not enough to keep everyone clean during a painting session! J



It looks like the sun is going to be with us this week but as the weather turns, children will need a pair of wellies in school so they can go on the field when it is wet or a little muddy.


‘Meet the Teacher’ Meeting

Our meeting will be held at 3pm on Thursday 14th September. We will chat about how Year One works and I will try and answer any questions you have. It will be a lovely opportunity to meet you all and put names to faces.


Contact Details

You are more than welcome to contact me via the class email address or via Teams. I will put notices on Teams regularly when they are needed so please make sure you are familiar with this. Throughout the year, I will use the Blofield Primary School webpage to upload photos or pieces of work for you to see.


If you have any urgent questions or concerns, please contact me. I am more than happy to help!

I look forward to getting to know you all.


Best wishes,

Miss Light J

Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das