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Have a lovely summer break. Look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday 4 September.
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Blofield Primary School

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Blofield Primary School


11.3.24 Science Week - making biodegradable plastic

Year 6 researched the good and bad of plastic for science week and had a go at making their own using cornflour, water, vinegar and glycerin. The more glycerin they added to the recipe, the more stretchy and successful the outcome. 

Homemade biodegradable plastic - no glycerin, glycerin according to the recipe, double the quantity of glycerin

27.02.24 Making circuits for our electricity unit

09.01.2024 Learning about classification (taxonomy)



Understanding how shadows are formed 


This week Year 6 have been experimenting with light and understanding why shadows occur.



Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das