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Blofield Primary School

Sportshall Athletics County Champions

Year 5/6

On Tuesday the 12th of February 2019, years 5 and 6 went on a sports hall athletics trip to the UEA to compete in the last round: the finals. They competed for the title of best in the county against seven different schools.


Representing Blofield was: Emily (K) Ruby (M), Ruby (K), Maia, Willow, Lucie, Liam, Natalie, Dylan, Brendon, Joel, Toby, George, Sam, Freddie, Eva, Charlie, Emily (H), Milly, Mrs Lawrence (our sports teacher) and our teacher, Mr. Heasman. In her first race, Emily (year 6) did a relay race and after said,” I think I did really well!”


When we were there, Mr. Heasman introduced the team to an athlete, Iona Lake, and apparently, he used to train with her when he used to be fast! On the mixed, Eva ran for the girls and Toby for the boys. On the field events, Ruby (M) did the Triple Jump, Emily (K) did the Vertical Jump and Ruby (K) did the Long Jump. Blofield boys, Dylan and George, won their race while Emily (H) and Willow ran a six-lap relay race and won it. Toby and Joel also did the six lap race but came 6th.Emily (K), Maia, Lucie and Eva did the Over and Under race for the girls and for the boys, Freddie, Liam, Sam and Brendon. The girls won their Over and Under race and the boys came 2nd.

On the Chest Push, Ruby (M) reached 7 meters and Emily (K) did Speed Bounce and reached 61! While she did that, the boys came 1st on the non-scoring Over and Under race. In addition, Ruby (K), Lucie and Maia did the javelins and did really well! Toby, Dylan and Liam also did the javelins and reached the end of the hall almost. Even our coach, Mr. Heasman, threw a javelin and it reached 14 meters! Eva, Ruby (M), Natalie and Maia did the 4x1 race and they came 7th. For the boys, Sam, Charlie, Toby and Liam ran and they came 5th. The mixed races were ran by Willow, Emily (K), Joel and Brendon and they all came 1st. Maia said that she felt very good about herself and that she did very well.


In the end, Blofield won the whole thing with an amazing total of 288 points! Willow stated,” I feel very happy about myself for winning.” Lucie says that she is happy about winning and that she did very well in all of her races. Emily (K) feels very proud of the Blofield team and they all did amazingly. Emily (H) said,” I am delighted about winning, I feel proud because I did the 4x1 with Willow and the 2x2. Our team was very good and so was all the other teams, also, they all had very competitive spirit.” Eva feels happy about winning and that she did very well to be able to reach that stage of the competition. Our PE teacher, Mrs. Lawrence, said,” Blofield did amazing and I am proud of how they all did. All that practise payed of. We knew that it would have been hard to compete with all the other schools but I am happy about winning. Also, I bet years 3 and 4 will shout louder!” As a journalist, I think the day went really well and that all of the children there did amazing. The year five and six Blofield team is the best in the county!


Year Three and Four


In the afternoon on 12th of February, Years Three and Four also went to the sports hall athletics, at the UEA, finals to compete for the best in the county for their age. They also competed against seven different schools.


The first race, the obstacle race, Hannah, Chloe, Tallulah and Ava ran and they came 3rd, the boys, Daniel, Zach, Jacob, and Austin, came 4th. After that, the next race was 1x1 lap, ran by Ava and Ava. While they were doing their race, the boys were doing the field events. Joshua P was on the Chest Push, Austin did the Vertical Jump, Ralph did the Five Strides, Daniel did the Speed Bounce and Wilson did the Long Jump. The girls won both of the 1x1 and came 2nd on the mixed 1x1 race.

On the field events, Ava (D) did the Chest Push, Isla did the Five Strides, Chloe did the Vertical Jump and Ava (M) did the Speed Bounce. While that happened, the boys, Wilson and Daniel, did the 1x1 and so did William and Joshua J, they came 4th in both of them. Isla and Layla did the hurdles race for the girls and came 1st, also, Joshua J and Austin did the hurdles, for the boys, and came 1st as well. In the field activities, Joshua J did the Vertical Jump, William did the Five Strides, Joshua P did the Long Jump, Taylor Jack did the Speed Bounce and Zach did the Chest Push. The non-scoring hurdles were ran by Lola and Daniel and they came 2nd place! Layla did the Five Strides, Ava (H) did the Speed Bounce, Ava (M) did the Long Jump, Hannah did the Chest Push and Layla did the Vertical Jump.


The Over and Under race was done by Lola, Chloe, Hannah and Ava (H) and they came 3rd. Taylor Jack (whom did the Long Jump), Austin (whom did the Speed Bounce), Zach (whom did the five strides) and William, who did the Vertical Jump, did the field events. Next was the javelin event and for the girls: Isla, Lola and Hannah did it but for the boys was Joshua J, Daniel and Jacob. The next race was a relay and the girls, Tallulah, Lola and Ava, came 1st. The boys; Ralph, Taylor Jack, Wilson and William, also ran the relay race and they came 2nd. In the end, Year 3 and 4 came 1st out of the whole competition! Everyone did their part really well and was amazing. Mrs Lawrence said, “Years 3 and 4 were definitely the loudest!” Blofield School is now the best in the county and they worked really well and hard to reach that stage. Everyone did amazingly and worked their hardest.




By Daisey Parrott.

Blofield Primary School Values

  • "Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up" Mary Holloway
  • "To make a difference, you have to have large aspirations" Roshni Nadar
  • “A little attention, a little kindness, a little thoughtfulness are worth more than all the wealth in the world.” Avijeet Das