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Year 5

Spring 1

Welcome to the spring term!

I hope you have all had a restful break and are looking forward to the term ahead. During the spring, our topic will be Earth and Space. We will be learning all about space in our science lessons and our English work will have a space theme. In Geography, we will be focusing our attention closer to home and learning all about rivers. A more detailed overview of this half-term's curriculum is below.

PE days will continue to be Wednesday and Thursday and this term we will be participating in Forest School on Friday afternoons. 

Topic Homework

Monday 3rd February - Last week I gave the class homework relating to our topic of Earth and Space. There is a copy below. Please could this be returned by Friday 28th February. Thank you.

Weekly Homework

Reading - The expectation is to read 5 times a week. Reading journals are checked every Friday. On completion of a book, if there is a quiz on Accelerated Reader pupils should complete it at home where possible. Please encourage the children to record their quiz results in their reading journals.

To take a reading quiz, please follow the link below:

Accelerated Reader link: https://global zone61.renaissance         

Times Tables - Children should continue to practise their times tables using Times Table Rock Stars. I will continue to add optional maths homework on the class page. This will focus on an aspect of learning from the maths lessons that week.

Spellings - Each week, we focus on 10 spellings with a common theme or pattern. Children will have these in their reading journals should they wish to practise at home. They are also available on the class page.


Please do not hesitate to contact me via the Class5 email below if you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,

Mrs Taylor.